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Baco Music – Release Party pour Queen Omega le 30 Mars
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Queen Omega's release party on March 30th

On Thursday the 30th, after a year 2022 that marked her return with a few first new singles and a tour of the greatest reggae festivals, QUEEN OMEGA will be in France, and more specifically at La Bellevilloisein Paris, to present her new album “ Freedom Legacy ”. Preorder at this link)

QUEEN OMEGA born Jeneile Osborne, seems to always have lived through music : she takes her first steps on stage and on national television at the age of 9, and already writes her own calypsos back then, which are protest songs from Trinidad and Tobago. 

She grew up in a family in which music is everywhere and where voices such as Aretha Franklin’s and Whitney Houston’s reign supreme, and evidently, you’ll be able to hear obvious intonations in the singer’s voice. On top of those influences, Queenie, as a few of her fans like to call her, is crazy about reggae and dancehall music. Quite naturally, she will turn to those sound colors to carry her biting way with words. She also explores her deejaying abilities that soon become a key element of her music, and raise her to new heights. 

She quickly becomes a flagship face to the feminine reggae stagethrough her inspiring and committed to women’s cause lyrics, and through the magnetic power coming her and her music. After 3 albums and well-noticed appearances on stage, QUEEN OMEGA leans on the project “ Freedom Legacy ”. 

This new album appears as an introspective journey and as an engaged ode. She delivers conscious messages, with as times feminist at times anti racist lyrics, topics that the singer holds very dear and which will surely resonate widely. She addresses her children and fans with a kind strength, aiming to change a world that seems to be difficult to understand at times. 

She surrounds herself with various artists for features, such as JULIAN MARLEY, SOOM T, MARCUS GAD, YANISS ODUAKUSHITE or JALIFA.

For this woman wearing multiple hats -mother, singer, lyricist, activist and so many more- music must be a commitment, solidarity and love vehicle at all costs, to leave a viable society for her children and the next generations : her lyrics are calls for collective and pacific action, for unarmed fight to save humanity of its own quirks.

With this impressive baggage, QUEEN OMEGA  will lay down her hat at La Bellevilloise at the end of March. We already were able to discover a vast part of this opus, with singles such as “Fittest”, “Wise Queens”, “See You Down” or “Lioness”. 

A live session was recorded in our studio, an incredible must-see BACO SESSION available on our YouTube channel which is a perfect foretaste for the release party on March the 30th. 

Tickets are hereand we strongly encourage you to join us for this date which promises to be rich in emotions, carried by this new album and by the unspeakable aura of QUEEN OMEGA.




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