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Baco Music – Les 20 ans de Danakil à l’Olympia !
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The 20 years old of DANAKIL at the Olympia!

Hard to describe what happened on September, 4th during the first show of DANAKIL ! What is certain is that this first date booked to celebrate the 20 years of career of the band went beyond the expectations of DANAKIL, the BACO MUSIC team, and obviously the audience because the atmosphere was incredible during the 2 hours show ! All the elemets were there : the concert was sold out for months, it was the first time that the Olympia open its doors after the long period of COVID, and the first show for a long time for many of us, an unmissable anniversary, fans and musicians over-motivated, great guests (Mike and Riké from Sinsémilia, Clinton Fearon, Brahim, Théo and Ogach from Jahneration, Cheeko and Volodia, Balik’s father and Duss, former guitarist of the band…) ! A huge thank you to everbody who were there for your smiles, your energy, your voices, but also your support and your patience when the show was postponed and the capacity was reduced.

We stay on our little cloud and we expect to meet you again for the second round on September, the 25th, which promises to be as awesome as the first with a lot of new surprises to thrill you all along the evening and extend the 20 years together !

Facebook event

Discover the new album of DANAKIL « RIEN NE SE TAIT » released September, 3rd 2021: Click here

Watch the aftermovie of the first show!



  • Twan Tee et Warrior King artistes du morceau
  • photo des bureaux à Guiclan. Hangar avec l'enseigne de baco distribution
  • Queen Omega au studio. Crédit photo Maxime Rey
  • twan tee photo en Colombie devant un mur coloré
  • Groundation en live
  • photo des bureaux à Guiclan. Hangar avec l'enseigne de baco distribution
  • L'artiste Twan Tee souriant sur scène avec un micro
  • Queen-Omega-artist-bacomusic
  • Image illustrant le NFT de Danakil sur Pianity
  • Pic of Queen Omega
  • twan tee en baco session au studio avec son morceau reggae "Chalwah"
  • Photo sepia portrait de l'artiste Twan Tee dans la fumée
  • Image d'une ile en nouvelle caledonie
  • Protoje-2022
  • Cheeko-bacomusic
  • BacoAllStars
  • FED UP
  • Omar Perry
  • Cover-Cheeko-Miroir Pt.1
  • The Human Chain
  • cheeko
  • danakil-creditAlexSorin
  • Cover-Cheeko-Miroir Pt.1
  • Enfants Du Monde
  • Omar Perry
  • CHEEKO - Louve
  • Hurlements D'Léo
  • Danakil - Live au Théâtre Femina
  • Yaniss Odua Stay High
  • Manjul-newsingle
  • booboozzzallstars-bacomusic
  • twantee-bacomusic
  • cheeko-volodia-©AlexSorin
  • cheeko-volodia-©AlexSorin
  • booboozzzallstars-bacomusic
  • BacoTape-visuel-2021
  • Danakil-Ensemble-©ValentinCompagnie
  • ClintonFearon-artisteBacoMusic
  • booboozzzallstars-bacomusic
  • danakil-creditAlexSorin
  • TwanTee-albumcover
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