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Baco Music – YANISS ODUA et DANAKIL s’unissent sur « Enfants Du Monde »
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YANISS ODUA and DANAKIL together on « Enfants Du Monde »

YANISS ODUA and DANAKIL have just released " Enfants Du Monde "! A track that promotes unity and tolerance.

This is a big first for these two icons of French reggae! Indeed, it is the first time we witness an official collaboration between them, and the result is more than positive! To accompany this release, Yaniss and Danakil have also written a joint text, which we are sharing here. It is an open statement calling for unity, equality, and openness to others, because yes, as they sing so well, "We are all Children of the World..."

“At a time when some wish to lock the borders while others are redrawing them entirely; at a time when we build walls when we should be building bridges, when we look at our own belly buttons instead of looking to the horizon; it seems important to share a few simple reflections to bring the debate back to the one thing that truly matters: what world do we want to leave to our children?
Far from their TV screens, let them battle it out over who will be the next to appear in photos at town halls. Let’s rise above so we can breathe something other than the nauseating atmosphere they want to drown us in.
All around us, people who only aspire to a better life are pushed back, rejected, mistreated, for the sole reason that they were not born on the right side of the barrier. We are being pitted against each other—neighborhoods, generations, peoples. We point to "the other" as the cause of all our misfortunes when they themselves have their eyes on one thing: money, and too bad for those who get left behind.
They’d like us to be the same way—on the floor, in a world full of cameras, where elites live isolated in fear of what they can’t control. Their world thrives on oppression, repression, and rating systems that would define, with a few clicks, whether someone is a good cook, a good driver, a good student, or a good citizen...
But our world is far greater than their financial setups, and no metaverse can contain it. It expands with every encounter and recognizes only one goal: to make tomorrow a better day for humanity. We may be labeled naïve, perhaps rightly so; but we refuse to follow them into pessimism and negativity.
Our world is solar, it is the wealth of the collective, the warmth of exchange, and the outstretched hand to all those who have suffered the violence of a system that excludes them because they are too poor, too foreign, or too different.
Amidst the thick and dirty smoke that allows certain 'well-born' people to feel safe, blind to the fact that it is their own brothers who pay the price for this arrogance, we wanted to remind one simple truth: we are all children of the world, all children of the Earth...
Written and recorded over 2 years ago, just before the Covid crisis, “Enfants du monde” is now being released in the current context with a particular resonance. We therefore send this universal message of peace and brotherhood to the victims of their wars; from Ukraine to Russia, Iraq to Yemen, Mali to Sudan, Palestine to Israel, Syria to Afghanistan, and everywhere in the world where their greed has caused chaos. We are all Children of the World...”
Signatories: YaniSs Odua, Danakil, Tibz M, Kahifa, Ayema, Clive Hunt & Cyrille Teranga – Authors, Composers, Arrangers, Performers of "Enfants Du Monde".

Enfants Du Monde


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