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Baco Music – Release Party Danakil « Rien Ne Se Tait »
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Release Party Danakil « Rien Ne Se Tait »

Livestream on Friday!

To celebrate the release of DANAKIL's new album "Rien Ne Se Tait", the band invites you to a livestream where they will answer all your questions!
Join us on Friday, September 3rd at 8 PM on our Twitch channel !

The album is available on the bacoshop !

Danakil – « Rien Ne Se Tait »

Presentation text by Aymeric Jeanson, author of the book "Danakil 2001/2021 – Ensemble"

Almost five years after "LA RUE RAISONNE", here's a drum roll: "RIEN NE SE TAIT", Danakil's eleventh album! And with it, a wonderful opportunity to sip a bit of hope, light, and groove in a music scene hard hit by the crisis.

At the very least, the year 2020 gave Danakil the time to carefully craft these thirteen new songs with warm and captivating tones. Alternately inspired, light-hearted, or socially engaged, they weave a rich and harmonious tapestry shaped by what made the band famous: a powerful bass-and-drum foundation, an always fiery brass section, and a masterful ensemble of keyboards, guitar, and
Above it all, the voices of BALIK and NATTY JEAN, reinforced by a feature from AKHENATON, unfold the full range of their virtuosity with multiple influences.

On the lyrical side, cultural diversity and political reflection sit alongside more personal and everyday themes like the power of dreams or family. Danakil's uniqueness lies in its attempt to both move and denounce, with a dual ambition to awaken civic awareness and to re-enchant the world through music.
The search for harmony, in short... An aspiration in which the track "Ensemble" stands out from the others: in this year where the band celebrates its 20th anniversary, it takes the form of a tribute to Danakil's journey, the strength of its collective, and its incredible love story with the audience.
This anniversary is also symbolized by this first album recorded in the brand-new studios of Baco Records in Bordeaux. Now fully in control of the production process, Danakil has never pushed its independence this far! A good omen for the future, and for all the artists represented by the label.

Listening to this eleventh album, something remains inexplicable: this irresistible urge to dance that grips you from the very first notes. A gentle vibration, the mark of great albums, to which one surrenders all the more readily upon realizing how much it has been missed.



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  • danakil-creditAlexSorin
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